Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hola Amigos!!   Today is Christmas, and we have been celebrating the birth of our Savior!  We spent the day with our family, and are back to the final stages of sorting shoes, and preparing to be ready to leave here on January 2nd for Mexico.  Sometimes we wonder if we're up to the task that has brought us this far, and for what is ahead, and then God gives us a verse of encouragement from His Word like this: In Judges 6:13-16 we read about Gideon, who was telling God that he wasn't qualified to do what the Lord had asked him to do. Then the Lord turned to him and said, "GO WITH THE STRENGTH YOU HAVE,...I AM SENDING YOU." When Gideon gave another excuse of his weakness, the Lord said to him, "I WILL BE WITH YOU!"    We are taking God at His Word, and are rejoicing at this passage God led us to.  What better promise can we have, than to be sent by God, and have His assurance that HE will be with us!
    Please pray for us that we will be sensitive to God's leading during our 3 1/2 months away, and to proclaim the good news of Christ as clearly as we should. (Col.4:2-4)
    Thank you for your wonderful support in so many ways.  We will try to keep you in touch as we journey together.  God bless you in the upcoming New Year!