Monday, November 12, 2012

Today we are sharing our thankfulness to our friends at Relevant Church, and the community  for partnering with us in our yard sale this past Saturday!  We asked for donations, and were able to raise more than we expected toward our trip to Mexico 2013!  Praise God who takes care of us and supplies all our needs from His glorious riches! (Phil. 4:19)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


GREETINGS  to all our special friends, who have followed us for the past 7 years, and those who have just joined us!  Please pray with us, that the Lord will meet our needs to be able to leave by January 2, 2013. 
   This year we have been blessed by having volunteers who are willing to fly to two places in Mexico to help us in our ministry!  Lord willing, Dave Sanders will meet us on the first leg of our work to canvas two very poor villages, and pass out "gently used" shoes and Spanish New Testaments.  Then when we arrive in Puerto Vallarta in February, Scott & Kim Aldridge and their children:Luke & Faith, will meet us with even MORE shoes, that they will bring with them on the USAirline Scott works with, and help us in poor areas for a few days!
   We have already started bagging some of the shoes given to us, and we are very thankful for other churches, and individuals who are donating them.  We hope to give you more updates before we leave.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Praise God! We had a safe crossing on Wed., Apr.4th! A friend followed us to the border, and once in the USA, we parted ways for the rest of the trip. I took a couple of pictures of the Rio Grande, which divides the USA and Mex. borders while we waited in a long line on the bridge. Right on the border line is a stone marker which shows the place. We are alittle sad to leave so many contacts that God has led us to, but will be even more excited to return next year, Lord willing.
We will be worshipping our LIVING SAVIOUR tomorrow with Carole's nephew & family in Alabama, and returning to S.C. on Monday. Luke 24:5b-6a "...WHY DO YOU LOOK FOR THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD? HE IS NOT HERE; HE HAS RISEN!..." Yes, HE has risen indeed, and we thank you all for standing with us as we shared this GOOD NEWS!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peter & I will be leaving Villa Corona on Monday morning, and will drive to our "overnite" stop in Zacatacus. Then on Tuesday, April 3rd, we will drive to our last "overnite" stop in Saltillo. The 4th, we will be driving to the border in Larado. Hopefully, we will cross mid to late afternoon into the USA. We would covet your prayers for this phase of the trip.
We have one more full day here, and are trying to tie up all our contacts here. We have spoken to the couple who are struggling with their marriage, and have let them know that we have other Christians praying for them in the USA.
As we were reading God's Word & sharing together, we wanted to share with all of you who have "partnered" with us, some verses God has laid on our hearts. Hebrews 10:23-25:"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for GOD can be trusted to keep HIS promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together,as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near". (NLT) We thank God for each of you who have journeyed with us.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I love to take pictures of interesting things here in Mexico, so I thought I'd share of couple.

Sometimes it's hard on a 72 year old missionary when he's asked to play with a bunch of teenagers!! Twice a week, the Church invites all the teens & whoever wishes to join them (the Pastor's wife, Jill, in pink shirt, is the best one on the team), as an outreach to them, and after two hours of basketball, they return to the Church for a Bible study.

Peter & I took a drive into several neighboring towns, and passed MILES of berry plants that were being harvested. They cover them with white plastic for protection from the sun, etc. We bought lots of raspberries, blackberries, & strawberries, & brought them back to Jill's house, so we could make pies. She was able to give them to the two sets of people we are working with, to let them know we care, and God especially cares!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm so sorry for the lack of writing. We arrived in Villa Corona over a week ago, and for most of the time, the internet service has either been OFF, or very poor reception! So, I'll try to catch you up on what is happening here. We contacted the Pastor that we met last year & have become good friends with. I'll show you a picture of them & 2 of their 7 kids! We also have gone with Pastor Jesse & his wife, Jill, to counsel a couple whose marriage is in shambles. If you would please help us by praying for Ricardo & Melody, and their family, we would be so grateful. Last week, a very sad thing happened to a family in the Church. A good Christian mother was told that her 36 year old daughter had been found murdered. The police are still trying to fit the pieces together, but what we do know is that she had gone far from the Lord, and was involved in drugs. Pastor Jesse did the funeral, and was very clear about how God wants us to have a relationship with Him, and how to come to Jesus by faith in His sacrifice for our sin. We are also praying for all who heard the message.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Peter & I were handing out Bibles & witnessing on the beach right up until we left Rincon Guayabitos. We get real encouraged when we see the people reading God's plan of salvation on the back pages of the Gideon N.T.'s, like this young girl. The lady is the "muffin lady", who was also happy to receive a copy of God's Word. The picture of Peter with a young man, is "Luis", who asked Christ into his heart last year, and is very involved at a great Church. He had brought his whole family of 12, and I think everyone received Jesus last year! We praise God for those who are following Him daily!
Our time here has been very profitable for the glory of God. Our last night, we invited 6 of the 9 people we had in our truck last Sunday to dinner, and had a wonderful time of fellowship. They told us later that this meant so much to them, because they don't have many close friends who are Christians, and they enjoyed talking about how much Jesus has done for them. Their story is very powerful!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

After a wonderful service, and a delicious barbeque with lots of food, we were able to help drive 3 adults & 6 little children home to a town that was next to where we were camping. "Paco" is the father of 4 of them. ( He had an amazing story to share with us how he came to Christ through one man who passed him on the sidewalk & told him that God loved him). When we get back to the states, we can share this with you.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

While the service was going on, other families were there as well, the children swimming, and swinging out over the water on a rope, etc. It was a mixture of humor, simplicity, a unified group of people from different countries, respect from the families who were there just for a nice Sunday gathering, and glory to God for His creation and provision for us through Jesus Christ. There were 4 children who were baptized, who made a profession of faith & wanting to serve Jesus. (please forgive my mistakes of sideway pics)
One young girl sang a song before being baptized, and the whole service was honoring to God!

Today is Sunday, and it was truly a day to celebrate! We had talked to Pastor Phillip on Thursday, as he was preaching on the street in the next town. He told us the whole Church was meeting at a "hot spring" for a baptismal service a few towns away. He drew us a map, and told us to meet him at a certain place, & then follow a person who knew the way back into the interior! When we got there, we were told to follow another car, & we went off on a dirt road over 3 miles. These pictures don't really show how bad & narrow the road was, but after 30 minutes of driving, our leader realized we had taken a wrong turn. We came to a house, & were able to turn around in the driveway & return. Of course, there was no signal for a phone call! The views were worth the trip, though, as we drove through beautiful countryside and mountains, but it was so bumpy, I couldn't take good pictures. We finally got to the water hole, and saw that it was all set up for the Church service, and for a cook-out afterward.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our friends, Charlie & Sandra, came to visit us in Guayabitos for Peter's 72nd birthday! They brought their son, Carlos (12 yrs.), & two of his friends. We had a great time with them, & before they left on Saturday, we all sat together & started talking about God's Word and Jesus. When we asked the three boys if they would like to ask Jesus to be their Savior, all three of them stood up & said YES! So, the 4 of us adults stood with them, held hands in a circle & they prayed to receive Christ! We gave each of them a N.T., and it was a joyful time & the best "present", for Peter's birthday! Sandra hugged us, & told us she was so happy to know that ALL of her three children have Jesus in their hearts, & her goal is to find a good Bible teaching Church, and have their whole family GROW in their faith, & learn more about God's Word.
Thank all of you who are praying for us! God is answering your prayers, and we give HIM all the praise!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Here are some of the young guys Peter & I have been able to talk to about Jesus & God's Word. When I asked one 19 yr. old how old he was when he first started to sell items on the beaches, he was 8 yrs. old. I asked about his schooling, & he told me he never went to school. We talked about the area where this certain tribe of Indians resided, and I found out that it was because they have to pay money to go, and need shoes, etc. When I asked him what he does with the money he earns, he told me he sends it back home to the state he lives in, so his sisters can go to school. He told me to read Spanish in the Bible will be hard, but he wants to learn how to read Spanish better, & while he's doing that, he will also learn more about the Savior who loves him and died for him! His name is Ivan. Some of the others are: Juan, Victor, Rene, Miguel, & Francisco. (the trailer in the background is ours)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We arrived in Rincon Guayabitos safely on Monday. The manager had a beautiful site for us, right near the Bay. We heard the water splashing softly during the night. We were supposed to rest alittle, but we had alot of "house cleaning" to do. We did get to the beach in the afternoon, and three of the vendors came up to us and remembered our names. We gave a N.T. to an Indian lady, & she told me she knew how to read only alittle Espanol, but was telling me that her 5 yr. old son was learning to read, and HE would help her! She was so excited to receive a copy of God's Word. Then today, her husband came up to me & told me he needed "uno mas la Biblia", so I gave him another one, and he was so happy! Sorry, but no pictures this time. We are just open to whomever God puts in our path.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

On Friday, we had to say "goodbye" to all the children we've been working with at the two feeding programs. At Casa Infantil, a mother entered the building carrying her very severly injured 3 yr. old son, with bandages around his head. She walked right up to the Pastor in charge, and he translated that her son had fallen from a 2nd story bldg. , and she had asked the people there to pray that God would save her son and let him live, and now was showing everyone that God miraculously answered all the prayers! It was awesome! There was hardly a dry eye in the place!
Then, at the Salvation Army, just before we left, this young "officer" told all the workers to gather around to pray for us as we were going to leave on Monday. It was so special! Then yesterday, the van from the S.A., pulled up next to our camper & 5 more people came to us to pray for us, including the "major" and they gave us a gift to thank us for coming to help them for our 4 week stay there. We didn't expect such a show of love, but were blessed and thankful that God allowed us to come to Mexico to minister in so many ways. We could never have accomplished this without the help and prayers of so many of our Christian friends & family. Thank you so much for journeying with us!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Yesterday we went with some people from the English-speaking Church we attend, to buy & give out Beans & Rice to three different places that feed the children in their area who are in need. The children are so happy to help carry the bags of food inside & are such good helpers. We also have a picture of Peter at Sam's Club, pushing the rice cart with "Mike" hopping a ride. Mike is the one who spear heads this ministry at the Church & has a servants heart! When the tourist season (winter time) is over, many of these places cannot feed the children for many days. We were happy that the two places we work at were included in this hand out. It also gives us the opportunity to give out tracts & Bibles as the children gather around.

One day we took a worker from the Salvation Army to the next town to show us a house he had put a bid on to buy. The realtor wasn't around, so we decided to return another day. Then the next door neighbor heard her dogs barking & came out to see us walking by, so we started a conversation with her. She was very sweet and friendly, and when she heard that Alex wanted us to see his house, she invited us in to see HERS, because it was exactly the same lay-out.We stayed for about 20minutes, and met her 17 year old daughter, who knew some English, so I went to the truck & got two Bibles to give them (one Bi-lingual). They both received them with Joy, and we had a Very pleasant time witnessing to them.

Peter & I had been counseling Rene & Samantha about getting married, because their baby was due in one week. They both had received Christ as their Savior, and we were encouraging them to start right away in doing things God's way. He told us that his parents didn't get married for 20 years, so what was the hurry?!! It seems that many couples down here agree to a relationship that they can "get out of" when the going gets tough! So, we need your prayers BIG TIME, on this one. Meanwhile, this precious little baby girl had her own schedule, & was born three days later! Here is a picture of Carole holding little "Sophia", only hours old. The second one was a few days later when I offered to come for the day to let Mommy rest, while I did a few things around the house, and got to care for this gift from God.

Friday, February 24, 2012

At the campground where we are staying, the owner owns alot of highly bred show horses, and each year he seems to add more to his collection. A week ago, this little colt was born, and I just fell in love with him! The owner saw my interest, and told me I could NAME the colt for him! I was so excited! The mother & father of this colt are a "smokey white" color, and are from Spain, & are trained to do special dances and moves for competition events, etc. He told me this cute little black colt will also change colors, and when he is a few years old, you will no longer see the "diamond". So, I chose the name: English: "Majestic Diamond" & Spanish: "Majestuoso Diamante".

We went with our Christian friends to a market to find some gifts for their family before they leave Mexico next week. We were able to witness to several people, and one man told us how his wife was having a hard time because when she had her last baby, the Dr. gave her a shot that hit her nerve, & it paralyzed her right leg and foot, and she is in much pain & has to wear a special shoe to walk. It was a moving experience as we joined hands to pray for his wife, Wendy. He was so thankful, and we told him we would ask others to pray for her, that God would help them in this situation.
After this, a little 3 yr. old boy was helping his mother sell toys & more to help her earn money. He was so cute, that we couldn't resist him! He started piling all of the things from his basket onto our table, & just kept saying "vente"- which meant that he wanted us to pay about $2.00 for each toy. We had some fun with him, and had other opportunities to give out N.T.'s.

We'd like to thank all of you who have been praying for us, and especially for our specific requests! God answered prayer this past Tuesday, when I got a call from Sandra, & she told me she was bringing her future son-in-law over to see us! Remember I told you to pray for Samantha's fiance? Well, Sandra was so happy that her two daughters asked Jesus into their hearts, that she wanted to have "Rene" come to talk to us about Jesus. After much explanation & interpretation, Rene told us he wanted to pray to receive Jesus into his heart as well! PRAISE GOD!! Thank all of you who are following our journey with us, and are praying! Our friend, Sandra, wants her WHOLE family to make a commitment to Jesus, and this reminds us of "Andrew" & others in God's Word who had an encounter with Jesus, & brought others to meet HIM as well! (Read John 1:41&42). This is a picture of Rene & Samantha. Please pray for them as they seek to follow God's way in their relationship.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Luke 15:10-"...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over ONE sinner who repents."
We are praising God for the TWO daughters of our very good friends, who invited Jesus into their lives this past Thursday!! Their Mother brought them to our camper so we could talk to them. Please continue to pray for Samantha, & Jasmine as they grow in their new life in Christ! Samantha's fiance needs to have Jesus also, so please pray with us for his salvation as well.
This day started out super for us, because we invited friends to go with us to Rincon Guayabitos to reserve our reservation to come there in two weeks after we leave PV. Things change so rapidly here, so we drive an hour up there & things get accomplished better face to face! When the owner saw Peter, he gave him a big welcome (we were there last year), and told us that he would definitely save us a nice place in two weeks, & didn't even want a deposit! Then when we went to a restaurant for lunch, we gave the waitress a Gideon N.T., and she just "lit up" with excitement, thanked us, and rushed to show the cook & another waitress her special gift! WOW!
We gave two more N.T.'s to them, and took this picture so you can pray for "Janeth" & her co-workers & also the two who prayed with me that evening. KEEP UP THOSE PRAYERS, you dear friends, because God is doing a great work in the areas He sends us to!

This week, we worked at both "feeding programs", and really enjoyed the children. Peter & the Director of Casa Infantil were having a great time going over the bi-lingual N.T. he gave him. It will help him improve his english & he liked the translation (NIV). Who says we can't have a fun time serving the Lord!
These are the girls!

We have had very unusual weather here in PV. It has never rained in this area during the month of Feb. in the several years we have been here, but for 4 days in a row, it has rained, & left very muddy roads & mess everywhere! But it doesn't hinder our work with the children! These little girls, from the Salvation Army got into some make-up while the workers were busy in the kitchen, so I took a picture before their moms made them wash their faces!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I went to the childrens work at the Casa Infatil a couple of blocks from the Salvation Army. This is another work that feeds the children in Mojonaras. I brought the remainder of dental supplies that my dentist had donated, and I hadn't counted them, but thought I'd have enough for the 32 children who came that morning. I helped with a craft, and listened to the Bible story, & was asked to wait till it was over to give them the toothbrushes & dental floss. As I was about to hand them out, another group of kids came walking in from morning school just in time for lunch, & I didn't know how I would explain that I didn't think I had enough for each child - but God had it all planned out! As I prayed to the Lord, I had now counted 63 kids! I felt like I was serving out the bread & fishes that Jesus multiplied, because there were actually 3 toothbrushes left over! Thank God for Dr. Faucette in Charlotte who had given so generously to cover one orphanage & this group as well!