Monday, March 28, 2011

Before leaving Villa Corona, I just HAD to get my hair cut! This price is in pesos - which comes to alittle less than $2.50! We had a fun time trying to communicate with each other, and I was able to give Julia a N.T. & speak to her about having a relationship with Jesus before I left.

We are now on our way back to the states, and plan to cross the border on Wednesday. We are thanking & praising God for His incredible answers to prayer! We have seen the Holy Spirit touching lives, and we trust God to move in the hearts of all who have received God's Word.

Isaiah 55:11- "It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." (NLT)

This is a picture of my friend Sandra & her daughter & new husband. I had lost track of her for 3 years. As I was talking to the Pastor's wife, Jill, I told her that I thought our trip to this village of Villa Corona would be a boring one, because I only knew 3 people, and one of them was Sandra, who I can't find anymore. (She lived in a town about 20 min. away). She told me her name sounded familiar, & asked her husband. He told me he not only knew her, but had helped with two funerals in her family! He found where she was living, and we were able to make a connection, and have a great talk about what was new in her life, and I shared about Jesus, and gave her a bi-lingual N.T. And I already shared with you, the Barbershop conversion - which were the other two men we befriended & they prayed to receive Jesus right there in their shop!

Things have been FAR from boring in this town, as we worked together passing out Bibles and tracts, and fellowshipping with Pastor Jesse & his family.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is Pastor Jesse Ortiz, his wife Jill, and 5 of their 7 children! They are a wonderful family, who ALL love the Lord, and are serving Christ in one way or another! God answered our prayers to lead us to a Church in Villa Corona, and He has done so much more! It seems the three people we have been in contact with for 5 years are also three of the many that Pastor has been involved with as well! Today, we have plans to visit one of our "contacts" together! Please pray for "Sandra", who has had a hard life up to now, and really needs Jesus in her life. Last night, as we were trying to locate Sandra, we visited her brother's wife, Viviana, and she prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior, after Jesse gave her a tract, and explained God's plan of salvation to her. Then today, Jesse rode his bike over to our camper & told Peter that he needed his help. Could he please drive his truck over to a vehicle about a block away & give his friend a jump start. Of course he did, and Jesse kept asking Peter pointed questions, which he translated to his friends. Peter gave his testimony & also told of how God cured me of cancer, and the man just hugged him. Jesse has been witnessing to him for several years. Then Jesse got in the vehicle with this man & his family to go into Guadalajara, to see a Christian Dr. who can possibly help their son with a problem he has!
Just keep up the prayers! The Holy Spirit is moving among these people here in Villa Corona like we have never seen before, and it is DEFINITELY God, as we work together with Jesse, and see one miracle after another! Praise HIM for answered prayer!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


We arrived safely in Villa Corona - just south of Guadalajara. Peter looked up a young man, named Roberto, who we meet with each year we come. He visited him at closing time at his Dad's barber shop, where he works. About 10 minutes later, his brother Lorenzo, and another friend, Jesse, came in to chat. Within a few minutes, Peter & Jesse realized they were both brothers in Christ, (later, we found out that Jesse is the PASTOR of a small church here in town). They both spoke to the brothers, and answered questions they had with God's Word. They both told Jesse & Peter that they wanted to receive Jesus as their Savior, and prayed right there to ask Christ into their lives!! Praise God! Peter has been praying for Roberto for FOUR years! And now both brothers have joined the family of God! Please pray for them, that they will grow in Christ, and desire to live for Him. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. God hears you, and the results are encouraging to all of us. Also pray for this dear Pastor, who is in a very difficult area. Roberto and we plan to attend his service this evening, and hope to get to know him better.
I am "borrowing" the drive that lets me download pictures on this blog. Ours broke down, and we have searched many stores to find a replacement, with no success. We'll keep trying!

On Friday we left Rincon Guayabitos, after saying our "goodbyes" to many friends we had made on the beach. This 11 yr.old boy was trying to make his last sale of key chains with Peter, and the young man with Peter is Ivan, who we met last year, and he was so happy to see us once again. We talked to him about Jesus, and asked him if he reads the Bible we gave him last yr. There was a "pause", but he said he still had it, and we encouraged him to read what God had to say to him. He kept coming back to talk with us, and pray that God will speak to his heart.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We praise God for this father and son, who brought their whole family to Church this past Sunday to hear God's Word! The son told us in perfect English that he had heard our Pastor speaking in his town on the main street, and was impressed how he read from the Bible, and he heard things he had never heard before. He told us that the Church his family had been going to for years did not tell them the truth, and he wanted to know more about the Bible!! The Church gave the family some N.T.'s, and we gave them a couple more!
We can't thank all of you enough who are praying for us and our ministry here. God is working in marvelous ways, and people are coming to us with questions, and interest in reading God's Word. Jesus promises us that if we seek Him, we will FIND Him! Praise God for this family who is seeking God. Please pray for the Morales family and others that we have shared with.

These two pics show alittle of the results of the Sunami where we are staying. In the picture showing ripples of water, Peter had walked out to the point on the left, and then entered the water. When he got up to his chest, all of a sudden the water dropped to his ankles! He turned around to see what was going on, and there was only sand behind him, and the fish were flopping on the sand, and the birds overhead were having a feast! People were shouting for him to get out of the water, and within about 10 minutes, the water returned & there was about a 5 foot increase, as you can see from the water line in the sand of the next pic. (My camera is small, & couldn't really catch the full effects). We had been told there would be a 2 ft. rise at this bay - if at all - and it would happen around 10 or 11 am. This didn't happen, so everyone was relaxing by 3:00pm when this took place. We thank God that everyone there was safe, and Peter said all he could think of was how this was a small glimpse of how powerful God is and WAS, when He parted the waters for the Israelites to pass through!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

These precious sisters also help their parents sell their wares. We gave the older one a tract, and she gave Peter & me a hug. Again, we count on God's promise of HIS WORD not returning to HIM void!
I'd like you to pray for a 20 yr. old, who we gave a bi-lingual N.T. to, that is getting into some deep trouble. We can't show a picture or name, due to his safety. But, he listened to us, asked many pointed questions, and promised to read the N.T. God is in the "miracle business", and this young man needs Jesus in his life.

This is a picture of the bay at Rincon where lots of people come to vacation, and the vendors are out in full force - esp. on the weekends! Even the little children must work, and this little one has her bracelets to sell on her wrist while her mother waits. I gave her some candy, which she happily accepted.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This is the "Captain" and her helper under her, and the whole group we've been working with this entire month at the Salvation Army. We are sad to leave after having such a great time with the children who come to enter in on the many services that are provided for them. But this Friday we will be moving on to Rincon Guayabitos, which is about 40 miles north of PV.
Our ministry there is more personal evangelism, so we would covet your prayers as we ask God to lead us to the people He wants us to speak to, and give out the few Bibles we have left.