Saturday, February 27, 2016

Here  they are !!  To all my Christian friends back in the USA, who have been praying, 8 more sisters in Christ, PLUS my two dear helpers who also love Jesus!!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Each of my Bible study women received a Whole Bible (NIV)in Spanish, an ice cream treat, matching blue shirts (donated by our soccer coach, Lou, from home), a few other treats from our translator Mom and lots of hugs!!!
For the past 4 weeks here in Puerto Vallarta, we have had 8 very faithful women come to my Bible study on the book of John.  We've had a "connection" and wonderful time of discussion that was absolutely of God. Seven lessons total and this was the last day - with a 30 min. DVD of Billy Graham's talk on "THE CROSS", I asked the women if anyone was ready to receive Jesus and follow Him, and ALL of them raised their hands!   I can't praise God enough for answering prayer concerning these precious women, and I'd just appreciate your prayers for them to grow in their faith!
This odd picture is a sea turtle  laying her eggs in the sand near the place where we were honoring the Pastor for his incredible work at making the Salvation Army bldg. possible.  
    When this happens, she is immediately "protected", by ropes around her so no people can bother her.  When she buries the eggs & returns to the ocean, a protection agency comes to carry the eggs to safety until they hatch & are able to go into the ocean. (otherwise the birds will eat them)
The couple on the right are the Captains of the Salvation Army, and the other couple were Pastor & wife of the English speaking Church for many years, and were the driving force to collect the funds for the beautiful S.A. building. We were invited to a dinner honoring them!
Peter's main job of scraping plates & handing them through the opening to the dish washers at the S.A.
Joanne & Don giving out their gift of mid-year school supplies.
Showing off their new school supplies!
My friend Joanne & her husband bought school supplies for all the children at the Salvation Army on this day. (standing in the back)
Getting a "thank you" hug & a "good-bye" !  Even though we're tired, we are so blessed!  What's NOT to love about these dear people?
Believe it or not, this man actually was walking with these flip flops on & was thrilled that he found a pair of "new" sandals that fit him!  Each of us that help tries to bring something to give to these needy people, and WE receive the joy to see their happy faces.
Carole, working with the children.  They love to try out the English language on us, and we love trying to communicate to them.  One thing we know is that they enjoy all of us coming and showing an interest in them, and their need to follow Jesus.
This little one is showing off her craft of Joseph & his coat of many colors.  The fun part of all of this is that the parents & grandparents all do the crafts as well!
This little boy read his "Jesus" tract as soon as he received it, and all the children were excited to have this little gift.
This group is checking out their New Testaments we gave them.
Pastor Isac had a contest to see who was listening to the lesson, and these are the WINNERS!
   The balls were donated by our friend, Lou Pantuosco, from SC, & you can see the happy faces & "Thank you" from them!
After Church service, the families all line up for a delicious meal.  NO food is wasted here!
This mama pig got out of her "hole" long enough to accompany us with her loud "grunting" !This place is such fun!
Last Sunday, we loaded up the truck & two other vehicles, and 10 of us drove 2 hours south to Mapache for Sunday school/church in Augustine's back yard!  That's Isac the preacher & guitarist, who is great with the kids!
FLASH!!  a new change in updates on "Casa Conner" !  A man who owns a couple of the Hotels here in PV, has donated $100,000.00 , has offered to furnish ALL the kitchen equipment, and the Huge walk-in freezer, and has loaned some of his "contacts" and men to getting this place operable by the fall!  How awesome is our GOD?  Everyone involved in this work is just praising God for His unmeasurable grace and mercy for these dear little ones who will benefit from this!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

On the way to "Casa Conner", I saw this HUGE bull (I think it's a Brama bull)!  He looks magnificent!  This baby calf may OR may not be his offspring.
A small scale of the finished product, with the front of the the left with plenty of parking, and the rest to house many more children in dire need of help.  Anyone who wishes to contribute to this amazing work, could contact us & we will be happy to connect you to the right people. Most of the staff are Christians, who are so loving, and have such positive attitudes with the children.  A beautiful home for the "forgotten" ones.
Some views of the inside, & strong doors to each bedroom, with good views to observe the children.
A very strong driveway is being built for delivery trucks & heavy equipment that will service this place.  The workers are incredible, do excellent work, and are working hard each day. Two men live in the "Castle", and guard the place, take care of the two horses that are used for the children, and so much more!
"Casa Conner" is located in a beautiful & serene area where from the 2nd floor, you can see a lake, the mountains, and beautiful scenery.  They hope to finish this second floor by the fall, which will be used mostly for offices, and other necessary things.  An elevator is one of the building requirements, and already has that plan in place.
We went with our friends to see the progress on a huge building project outside PV, for severely handicapped children, who have been served daily for many years in a crowded small house.  ALL the Doctors, nurses, & therapists are all volunteers, who provide incredible amounts of their time helping these many children.  They must go home each evening, and carried back the following day.  But when this beautiful facility is completed, they will have many bedrooms, updated equipment, therapy rooms, Doctors offices, etc. This place will be called "Casa Conner", after our friend's 13 year old grandson, who died about 4 years ago.They need another million dollars to complete the work.
Enjoying a Valentine's Day - Mexican style - after 50 years of marriage!
Carole helping a young girl read a Bible story before craft time.
These little ones are so sweeet, & they always greet us with hugs!
These little girls wanted their pictures taken, so here they are!
Another strong post dug deep into new concrete.  More of this home as we see more progress!
The work is about to begin! One strong post is in & more to come.
This "house" is directly across the street from the Salvation Army, & besides the extreme mess INSIDE, the whole roof is caving in.  It always bothered me that no one was helping them live in better living conditions.  BUT, this year, two Christian men saw the need, and have offered to rebuild the roof, and help them put some order into their home.
These clothes are drying on a barbed wire fence, with a dirt road next to it! After washing them by hand, what's a little dirt??

Saturday, February 13, 2016

We had a fun time with this one-parent family, and the boys wanted to sleep over in our camper. I might just let them, but was too tired by the end of this day.  They enjoyed our jumbo burgers, fries, grilled squash, & "flan" for dessert.  OH, & each one got a soccer ball - compliments of our friend back home....Thanks, Lou P. !!!!
Last night we invited a family for dinner, and a Billy Graham DVD on the meaning of the Cross.
The Captain's little daughter - "Dolly".
     If there are any people out there who would like to donate to this Salvation Army in Mojonares, please let me know, & I'll send you info. on how to help.
This says it all!
Our "helpers" to serve lunch!
We had about 45 kids for lunch this day.  The "Capitana" was getting ready to teach a Bible story, and then a little contest to see who was listening!
I spoke to the baby & held out my hand to coax her to the fence, & she wobbled over to get pet.  This was more exciting than the football game!
She is so cute, &  is stilll "wet" from the birth. The guys shown flashlights on her so I could take pictures.
During the "Super Bowl", our farmer friend was called to assist with the birth of this little calf.  After the game, he took us to see her.
Gideon's "torch" was the craft.  I love working with these kids.  They come up to me for hugs, & try to speak English as best as they can.  One little girl went to a bi-lingual worker & said, "I wish I could speak English, so I could talk to Carolina".
Bible story & craft about Gideon, and a full class of kids to help my friend. This takes place after the children have had a noon time hot meal at the Salvation Army in Puerto Vallarta.  This beautiful building was the dream of a Pastor, who raised the funds from many caring people.
This bull came very close to the truck, & I was happy I wasn't WALKING on the same path!
This bull decided to eat the greenery off a new tree that was recently planted!
One day as we were traveling on a main road, we met up with 4 BULLS!  That's one good reason to never travel in Mex. at night.  At least you could see these guys!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Carole asking if the ladies had a Bible at their homes.  If not, we will supply one for each of them.  We are having lots of fun together & for some, it's the first time they have even READ the Bible, and they are enjoying this time together.
These ladies are the most faithful to come each time, and my interpreter is the one at the end of the table with a big smile!
We arrived in Puerto Vallarta on Feb. 2nd, & set up on the very spot we had prayed for! The next day we drove to "Estela's" little house & asked her if she was ready to interpret for a ladies Bible class.  We had made this arrangement one year ago, and she was looking forward to it!  We made posters to announce the ladies Bible study, and the Salvation Army Captains were in full approval.  The first day, we had 11 ladies & a few babies, and showed a 30 min. DVD of how Jesus had changed people's lives, and made a plan for the best time to meet.