Thursday, March 27, 2014

My day wasn't over after helping at the school.  I was able to get in touch with a friend I had met in this town 9 years ago, and it was wonderful to catch up on the news in both of our families.
     Then it was off to mid-week Church service, and fellowshipping with more special people.  It always amazes us how welcome everyone makes us feel, and how thankful they are that we come to their Church and encourage them.  We left our last couple of bags of mixed shoes that we had left, and a few people were able to find a pair, and we left the rest with the Pastor & his wife to give out to whomever  was in need.  A big "Thank YOU" went to God for answering my prayer, and the day was far from "boring".  Now I need to get back to our camper, because we're expecting 5 guests for a cook-out!

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