Monday, January 31, 2011

Today was our last full day here in Playa Azul. We were invited to one of the workers homes to eat a delicious fish dinner made by Michael & his Dad. We will miss all our friends here, and especially the opportunities God has given us in so many ways! We could sure use your prayers for us tomorrow as we journey up to Barra de Navidad. It is one of the most dangerous roads to travel through the mountains. There are many "hair pin" turns, and it will take us at least 6 hours to reach our destination. I'm not sure if we will have internet service where we're going, so we'll try to fill you in over the weekend when we arrive in Puerto Vallarta.
The Church people asked us if we could come back sooner than next year, but we'll just be happy to visit here next Jan., Lord willing!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today is Sunday, and we were happily surprised to see that our new Christian friend, Sergio, give a testimony of how he came to Christ, and his thanks to this Pastor and his entire family who led him to Jesus, and helped him get to a Doctor, and receive the help he so desperately needed. He told of how when he had money and a job, he was very popular with his friends, but when he needed them the most, not ONE of them helped him or even gave him 10 pesos, which is about 80cents! He went on to tell how God pulled him out of the PIT he was in, and gave praise & thanks to the Lord! What an inspiring testimony! It just shows how this Pastor made God's Word Relevant in meeting Sergio's physical needs and then his spiritual needs, that changed his life forever. Praise to the King of Kings!!
I don't have a picture to show you, but I just wanted to share this story with you: Peter was purchasing some newly caught fish from one of the local fisherman's homes. When he went to pay for them, the woman asked if she could trade the fish for a pair of shoes for her 17 year old daughter. He told her that the shoes were free, and Christians from our town in USA donated them for the people here to enjoy. He paid for the fish, and led the girl to our camper to try on the shoes. She found a nice pair, and when she started to leave, I offered her a N.T. Her eyes opened wide & she quickly asked if she could trade the shoes for the Bible!! I had to smile, as I had never known anyone who was so excited to have her own copy of God's Word! I gave her a hug, told her she was welcome to both, and showed her the back of the N.T. that gave the plan of salvation. Again, I see God working in so many different ways, and am so glad for our "partners" in this ministry! Please pray for this young girl, that she would understand what she is reading, & receive Jesus into her heart, and grow in Christ as she obeys His Word!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pastor Marciano is resting before we eat our delicious cerviche (raw fish) dinner! He is praying for "Relevant", and is hoping that some day he will meet Pastor Matt, who is praying for him and his little struggling church here in Playa Azul. He shared with us that he had been praying for the funds to buy a "Strong's Concordance" in Spanish for 5 years, when someone finally gave him the money to buy one. He told us that he would like to have Christian materials to help "grow" his church, and Christian DVD's for his young people to enjoy and learn from. So, if any of you can help in this area, please let us know. We pray that God will allow us to come back here next year, and we will have some of the things he has asked us for. It is so difficult to work in this poor village, where Satan is having a grand time keeping these people in bondage, and many threats from the drug cartel - bringing fear to the people, with no help from the police, and so much more. But this Pastor has been encouraged these past couple of weeks as God has been moving many to seek for God's help in their lives. Keep prayng for these dear Christians, and those who need Jesus in their lives. We love you, and thank you for supporting us with your prayers.

After two weeks of lots of work, we only have one small container of shoes left! We estimate that we had closer to 300 pairs of shoes, and more than half of the Bibles have also been given out! This has been such a fabulous outreach in this area, and God has opened many opportunities for us! I'd like you to please pray for this little 9 year old girl who is a "vendor" on the beach. She was excited to try out her English on us, and pointed to one of our tracts in spanish, and wanted one. I told her that I would give her a special "regalo",
(gift)the next day, and she ran to us to see what it was. We gave her one of the N.T.'s in Spanish & English on the same page. I could tell that she was nervous about accepting this gift, because I believe her family is from one of the Indian tribes that have a different religion. I told her that I would pray for her, and told her that when I was 9 years old, I asked Jesus into my heart, and He is my best friend. Her name is:Anayitza.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We thank God for the beauty He created, and for each of you who helped make this trip possible.
Please pray for each one who has received a copy of God's Word, that as the people read it, their eyes would be opened to the truth.
Good night for now!

We were invited to stay & enjoy a treat of "coco" and juice as we rested in the shade and talked with the people. It truly is a joy to do the Lord's work here in Mexico!

This young mom is trying to find us the best of the pile, by shaking them to see how much cocoanut juice is in there. Our work is done, most of the shoes have been given away, and we are very tired, but so fulfilled to know we were able to help these dear people with the donations you all were a part of.

These bags behind the children contain "chips" from the shells of the cocoanuts. They are used in the fires for cooking, to give the food flavoring, and to help keep the fires burning. Nothing is wasted on the cocoanuts. These chips come from the people chopping them up in small pieces with machetes, after the pulp and juice are removed.

When we finished with the women and children, a truck filled with men & cocoanuts stopped to see what was going on! They emptied a pile of "coco's" & raced for the mens shoes! It was crazy for awhile, but we had a great time passing out Bibles to them & seeing their smiles as well.
This was a very poor area, and most of the men only make about $10.00 a day.

Unfortunately, we ran out of shoes for the boys, so I emptied out my supply of coloring books and crayons with Bible stories to color! They loved it!

Of course, each adult received a copy of the N.T. in Spanish! They were so excited to have their very own Bible, and promised to READ it, and
especially in the back, to study God's plan of salvation.
After these families were done, many more moms showed up with their children.

These moms were so precious!! One knew some English, which helped alot, & between all of us, we figured out how to communicate! We laughed together & "bonded" quickly. I wished I had a womens lesson book w/DVD to introduce them to digging into God's Word. Maybe next year!
We found the place where a friend had moved to,
and gave her & the children shoes. Then we told
her to invite her relatives & neighbors to come and
see if they also could find shoes to fit. These kids
wanted you to see their fried favorite treat
"chicharron"(the lining of a pigs stomach)
with hot sauce on it!

Pastor Marciano was so happy that we came to his home to pray with him and ask what we could do to encourage him or help him. Here they were comparing scriptures, and discussing plans to help. He shared with us that many times in his 19 years of pastoring in this same town, he becomes discouraged. But he is praising the Lord that other Christians helped us to come to Mexico, because he loves us "coming alongside" in ministry and prayer! He is amazed that our Church and other believers are praying for him & his little church. He told us they will also pray for those back in USA!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We observed the people singing, swaying, bowing, and praying to this image. When I asked a young man why they were praying to this virgin instead of God, I was told that she is the virgin of miracles, and when people pray to her, she goes to God with their requests. I pointed out that in the Bible, this virgin is not mentioned, but in Ex. 20:3-5a, God's Word says not to make any images or bow down before them, because God is a jealous God & won't tolerate this. I also told him that we can go directly to God through Jesus Christ, and He is the ONLY mediator between God and mankind - I Timothy 2:5. Please pray with us that people everywhere will have the opportunity to read God's Word, and then OBEY it, and experience the freedom we have in Christ!

What a SHARP CONTRAST going on in this little fishing village! Satan was working "overtime" this week, as there were celebrations at several locations to the virgin of Guadalupe, and then to the virgin of Juquila! It is nothing short of idol worship, with this graven image of a church ritual that has gone on for years. But to witness this in person, left us heart-broken, and asking God to help us speak to the people who are blinded & bound by Satan.

We set up 6 tables of shoes while the pastor was speaking, and when he gave the invitation, over 20 people raised their hands to receive Christ! As the people started to find their shoes that fit, this little newborn was being squashed in her grandmother's arms, so I rescued him (smile), and took refuge in a comfortable & safe place! Someone opened the back doors, and about 30 more children raced in! I had tried to warn the Pastor about being super organized for a large crowd, but sometimes experience is the best teacher! We are all praising God for His awesome answer to prayer, and for the people to see God at work!

After a challenging message on Sunday about putting your feet on your faith, the meeting on Tues night at the church brought in a packed church with standing room only!! Praise God! Last year on Tues. night, there were only about 20 people who attended. But the people went door to door and invited people to come to receive shoes, as well as hear a message from God through the Pastor.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our hearts were touched as he prayed to God in his own words to come into his life and be his Saviour. Here he is putting his name and the date down in the back of his Gideon Bible to record the decision he made! We praise God!!
Please pray for Javier, that the Holy Spirit would lead him to a good Bible teaching church in this town. He knows the Pastor we talked to him about, but he needs discipling, and for the leading of the Holy Spirit in his life.

This is Javier, who I met while on one of my walks. He speaks quite a bit of english, and asked me what I was doing here in Playa Azul! I just happened to be glad he asked! When I told him about the shoes, he told me he only had one pair of sandals, and he would really like a Bible! Again, I felt the prayers of my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ! I invited him back to our camper, & Peter & I had a great time with him, answering many questions he had & showing him what God's Word says about salvation. Peter made a great breakfast for all of us, and then he said he'd really like to ask Jesus into his heart.
Every morning that I take my walk, I see this little old lady sitting in her plastic chair, with all her belongings wrapped up in plastic bags beside her. I brought her a pair of pink clogs that were a size 10, to fit her badly deformed feet, and she was thrilled! You just have to see her smile! When I told her I was going to take her photo, she straightened her filthy dress & apron, and gave me her best smile. A neighbor gives her food, and helps her because she has no family. I wanted to give her a Bible, but the neighbor said she can't read, because she never went to school. I asked the neighbor to please read her the Christian tract which tells her how to receive Christ as her Saviour.

Carole had alot of fun with the girls who work at the Hotel where we camp behind. They also send their "thank you's" to all of you for thinking of them. Whoever didn't receive a New Testament last year, got one this year.

This is "Concha" , who was very thankful for the sewing machine that a member of RHCC donated. We explained that Christians from Relevant and in the U.S. are praying for us and for each person who receives Bibles and gifts that
we come in contact with.

This is part of Noe's(from Ray Azteca in Lake Wylie) family who came to Playa Azul to see us this past Sunday. Their daughter was a great help to us as she interpreted for us when we gave one of the sewing machines to a woman who had told us last year that she needed one.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We asked for prayer for Sunday, and God answered in such a special way. Pastor Marciano is translating for Peter, as he challenged the people to obey God's calling to go into all the world & share the gospel of Jesus Christ. When he was finished, the Pastor called Carole up to speak as well. (surprise)! But God tells us in his Word to always be ready to give an answer to others of the hope that is in you! I challenged them to put "feet on their faith", and that the youngest to the oldest can do this.
At the end of the service, Pastor challenged the people to come forward that wanted to be witnesses, and most of them came to be prayed over & to take up that challenge. God is good - ALL the time! Thank you for praying! We are definitely experiencing God at work!!

At our fourth place we visited on Saturday, was the house where 37 people have asked to receive Jesus. When we got there, Carole just HAD to give that baby a hug! The home belongs to the lady on my right, with her daughter and grandaughter. They are very gracious to host this new church plant.
We stayed after the service to fellowship with the people who came, and it was such a thrill.
We drove over 120 miles that day & even saved money, because at two different toll booths, the attendant wasn't on duty!! Has that ever happened to you?

You just have to see some of the food that Sergio prepared for us when we visited him on Saturday. Norma is the wife of Pastor Marciano, and was such a big help to all of us. This is our Pescado de Italia & was delicious!

I loved this picture we took at the soup kitchen. These men were so happy to receive their own Bible! These 4 sat right down and started reading their copy. One man raised his hand while Peter was speaking to them, and said how happy he is that he is a Christian! What fun we are having, serving the Lord!

We always have our very willing helpers as we lug the shoes back & forth from the truck.

This picture is especially for my dentist , who donated toothbrushes & paste for the whole orphanage. This boy grabbed his supplies & ran outside to a drain and was brushing his teeth with a "gusto" as we snapped this picture! Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We filled over 3 tables with shoes, and had fun with everyone to search for ones that fit just right! Again, it was quite an experience to see these changed lives, and the joy of having their very own Bible. They promised to READ them, so they could GROW in their Christian life. Everyone was so thankful, and wanted us to thank each of you back home for caring about them. We told them that we would share with you what God was doing in their area and their lives, and that you would pray for them. Peter & I are getting the biggest blessing to experience God at work here in Mexico! Peter will be sharing his testimony at Pastor Marciano's Church tomorrow here in Playa Azul. Thank you for your prayers!

This is part of the group of people who have just joined together to form a new church. They are so happy to have their very own Bible (New Testament), and a pair of shoes. This group started as 7 people wanting to know more about Jesus and God's Word. Pastor Marciano drove almost two hours to speak with them, and all 7 accepted Christ as their Saviour! The second week, 11 new people joined them, and all 11 gave their lives to Jesus. Today was the 3rd meeting, and 19 new people came, and all 19 received Jesus as their Saviour!! God is working in miraculous ways, as these precious Christians are reaching out to their neighbors, and putting their faith into ACTION!!

This happy man is a new Christian, who invited us and our Pastor & wife for dinner at his home. He was near death, and called out to God to reach down His hand and pull him out of the "Pit" he was in. God sent this Pastor to him, and brought him to a hospital, helped him with his finances, and put him in touch with a Dr. who changed his poor eating habits, and best of all, he gave his life to Jesus! He just SHINES as he tells his story! Please pray for Sergio, because he still is very poor and has severe medical problems.

What a fantastic day we had today!! Thank you for praying for us, as we went to four different places today with the Bibles, shoes, and dental supplies. In Guacamayas, we had so much fun with the 44 boys that are living in an orphanage. This picture is funny as each boy is doing something different while we're trying to get their attention. Peter wanted everyone to know that many people from our church, Mops, dentist, and others are praying for them and have given these gifts in the name of Jesus.
More pictures of this day will follow, but we wanted to get this off to you before bed time. The second place we visited was a soup kitchen, where we gave testimonies, shoes, and Bibles to all who came.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is a picture of Pastor Marciano & his wife, Norma. We arrived in Playa Azul, on the Pacific Ocean, yesterday, and contacted him right away. He speaks english, and he volunteered to help us make contact with some of the people we wish to minister to. We made up a schedule, & we will let you know so you can pray with us:Saturday we will take all of our shoes to three places. The orphanage where 44 boys live, and two more contacts that the Pastor wants to go to where the need is great. One is a brand new church with 18 new Christians! He wants us to speak to them, and encourage them. Then on Sunday morning at 9:00am (8:ooam S.C. time), he wants Peter to share a message from God's Word with his church in Playa Azul. In the afternoon, we hope to meet up with Noe's (from Lake Wylie) family. On Tues., we will give out shoes to Pastor's congregation. On Wednesday, we will visit our dear friends that we have had contact with for the past 4 years, who bring children into their home so they can receive shoes and Bibles. This time, the pastor will go with us, and be our interpreter as we share more about Jesus with them. Today, Pastor Marciano went with us to make this contact. We had to drive about 40 miles to their home, which gave us time to hear more about how God called him to this area, and how he is thanking God for sending us to encourage him in his faith and struggles as a pastor. We sang "How Great Thou Art" , and he praised God for His many blessings and answered prayer. What a treat for us as we saw how God is using this humble man of God. We look forward to the days ahead, so keep up your prayers for us, because we can actually FEEL God's presence as you partner with us! Thank you for your love and support, your comments on our blog, and even the weather reports!! Last night it was 67 degrees, and during the day, it went up to 90! Wish you could join us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is a picture of our friend we met last year in Saltillo. Juan Carlos and his wifewould appreciate prayer as they plan to start a much needed Christian school this year in his area. It was so special to us as he prayed for us that morning before we left, that God would keep us safe and give us guidance as we share the good news of Jesus.
At our overnight stop in Guanajuato, Carole was able to witness to the owner and his wife, who was being treated for a very fast growing melanoma. Since she had a miraculous healing of cancer herself, she was able to give hope and encouragement from God's Word of His awesome power, and to pray with her. Please pray with us for Estella, that she would experience the healing and saving power of Jesus Christ.
After 6 days and 2,160 miles of driving, we have reached Patzcuaro, and will stay here for two nights before moving onward. We appreciate your prayers and responces!

Friday, January 7, 2011

For two nights in a row, God put a Christian in our path to pray for us! One was a former pastor, and one was a lady truck driver! God knew I was alittle nervous, so He just sent them to reassure me! We thank you for your prayers for safe crossing at the border and safe arrival at our first stop tonight in Saltillo, Mx. We re-connected with the Christian man who helped us last year with our frozen pipes & broken toilet! (God cares about the mundane things too).
We've traveled a total of 1,587 miles so far. At our 1st military stop & search in Mx., we were able to give the 6 men a Gideon N.T., and it was received with huge smiles & appreciation. They waved to us as we left! STAY WITH US .....MORE TO COME WHEN WE HAVE INTERNET ACCESS!

Before leaving S.C., we met with the parents of Noe (former waiter at "Ray Azteca"). We visited their family in Mexico last year and now are bringing presents to their grand children. A great opportunity to put "feet on our faith"!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Greetings to all our friends & family on the eve. of our next journey to Mexico! We want to thank all of you from our Church family, Mops, and all who have supported us in so many ways! We are leaving with our camper stuffed with over 200 pairs of shoes and Bibles, two portable sewing machines, two computers, dental supplies from our dentist, toys, candy, Christian tracts, and more! We were given a powerful "send off" on Sunday, with our brothers & sisters in Christ, praying for us and commissioning us to go forth in the power of Jesus
As we go, we are reminded of the promise God gave to Moses in Exodus 4:12:" Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say."(NLT) Thank you for your support and prayers.