We want to share with all our supporters how your prayers are being answered!! This couple you see in Church just asked Christ in their lives last year, shortly before we met them. And THIS year, we witnessed such GROWTH in their Christian lives! They got married in the Church (4 kids later), Paco is the English interpreter at Church, they are ON FIRE for Christ, and are bringing others to Jesus! We invited his family to a cook-out at our new campsite, and he brought 3 other people with him, because they had alot of questions about the Bible & this "Christian life", and he knew Peter had a gift of finding the answers in scripture. After the meal, we passed out Bibles, so everyone could be on the right page, and for a couple of hours shared God's Word. Paco's wife, Mary, took lots of notes, and helped everyone find the scriptures, and read them for themselves. The boy in the pink shirt (Carlos,17 yrs.old)had run away yesterday from home, and had to make a decision about joining a drug cartel, where they offered him alot of $ & a new car. Paco told him he needed to choose Christ, so he had alot of questions, and asked about how can God help him make the right decisions? We explained about how Christ died for him, & if he chose to invite Him into his life, he would also receive God's Holy Spirit, who would guide him, etc. He told us he wanted to follow Jesus, and invited Him in his life right then. The other couple needs prayer as well, as they make new covenants with each other, and lean on God to guide them also.They stayed until dark & we clapped & praised the Lord! I know we can count on your prayers for these dear people.