Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Hola Amigos!! Today is Christmas, and we have been celebrating the birth of our Savior! We spent the day with our family, and are back to the final stages of sorting shoes, and preparing to be ready to leave here on January 2nd for Mexico. Sometimes we wonder if we're up to the task that has brought us this far, and for what is ahead, and then God gives us a verse of encouragement from His Word like this: In Judges 6:13-16 we read about Gideon, who was telling God that he wasn't qualified to do what the Lord had asked him to do. Then the Lord turned to him and said, "GO WITH THE STRENGTH YOU HAVE,...I AM SENDING YOU." When Gideon gave another excuse of his weakness, the Lord said to him, "I WILL BE WITH YOU!" We are taking God at His Word, and are rejoicing at this passage God led us to. What better promise can we have, than to be sent by God, and have His assurance that HE will be with us!
Please pray for us that we will be sensitive to God's leading during our 3 1/2 months away, and to proclaim the good news of Christ as clearly as we should. (Col.4:2-4)
Thank you for your wonderful support in so many ways. We will try to keep you in touch as we journey together. God bless you in the upcoming New Year!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Peter & I arrived safely at our home in S.C. on Monday, April 8, 2013. The trip home was mixed with sadness to leave Mexico, and joy in the Lord for all HIS many "ONLY GOD" experiences HE allowed us to be a part of. I Thessalonians 5:24 says:"Faithful is HE that calls you, who also will do it". We truly have seen God's hand in the many ways HE led us as we gave out over 600 Bibles, and over 700 pairs of shoes that so many people were a part of'. We were so blessed and encouraged by the prayers, and the help of our Christian brothers & sisters in Christ who came to Mexico to stand with us and help in this ministry, and just knowing that we had a solid group of supporters back in the states, and even in Mexico who were with us in spirit, and prayer. God answered in marvelous ways, and we witnessed many new believers making a commitment to follow Jesus! We drove 6,987 miles during this journey, in what Pastor Marciano calls "God's truck". If God lays this ministry or certain people we have mentioned in our blog, on your heart, please pray for these dear ones who need to grow in their faith, and reach out to others with the good news of Christ. We love you, and thank you with all our hearts for journeying with us!
I Corinthians 15:58-"So, our dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."(NLT)
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Peter & I will be leaving Villa Corona on Wednesday, April 3rd. Two more nights in Mexico, and on Friday afternoon, Lord willing, we plan to cross the border into the USA! We thank God so much for our supporters who have made this missions trip a possibility, and for all who have helped in so many ways, with their gifts for the people, their love, and especially for all the prayers! We have tried to share with you the many times God has gone before us, and paved the way for us to meet new people, share God's Word, and shown us time & again that HE is in control, and has led us to people who need to hear the Good News of Jesus. We will try to get to another Internet place before we arrive home, to give our final report.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The kids also enjoyed the soccer balls he sent down with us!
We had a devotional, and songs from the new guitar group that the Pastor's son, Rey, is teaching.
We were happy to see some old friends while we are here in Villa Corona. Rosie & Roberto are looking forward to a new baby girl any day now. I hope I get to hold her before we leave!
It's exciting to "connect" with many people God has led us to, and remind them that we are praying for them to walk with Jesus.
It's exciting to "connect" with many people God has led us to, and remind them that we are praying for them to walk with Jesus.
This is the home of our friends, Becky & John Stevenson from Lake Wylie. They have made a huge move to live permanently in Lake Chapala, Mexico. On one of Becky's first searches in Mx., we told her to visit our Pastor friend, Jesse Ortiz & his family who live 45 min. away. This was the first time for them & us to see her new home. There were 8 of us, and she treated us to a delicious meal, and fellowship in the Lord.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The top picture is our Pastor Jesse & his wife, Jill, who we enjoy spending time with. They came to our camper for a cook-out with four of their 7 kids, and it was a great time of catching up since last year!
Today is Palm Sunday, and we went with Pastor's family to a new Church they started a couple of months ago. People were selling food a few doors down, so Peter handed all of them a copy of God's Word, and Pastor Jesse explained more to them in Spanish. They do a great job of "team work" together.
The boy on the right is deaf, and the parents had no money to send him to a special school. He attended public school, but no one helped him, so he doesn't know how to communicate. But, he jumped up to "sing" with the trio!
Today is Palm Sunday, and we went with Pastor's family to a new Church they started a couple of months ago. People were selling food a few doors down, so Peter handed all of them a copy of God's Word, and Pastor Jesse explained more to them in Spanish. They do a great job of "team work" together.
The boy on the right is deaf, and the parents had no money to send him to a special school. He attended public school, but no one helped him, so he doesn't know how to communicate. But, he jumped up to "sing" with the trio!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
We went back to Paco's house a couple days later, and gave our last two pairs of shoes to his wife and his cousins wife. Perfect Fit!ONLY GOD, once again! We also gave new toothbrushes & 4 soccer balls to their 4 kids, and their smiles and thankfulness showed how grateful they all were.Thank you to our dentist, Dr. Faucette, and to our friend, Lou Pantuosco for the soccer equipment he donated for the children. And thank you to all our supporters who pray for us all along the way! We appreciate having you with us on this journey!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
After we left Puerto Vallarta, we prayed about WHERE we would stay in Rincon Guayabitos. Our old trailer park we stayed in for the past 3 yrs.was getting a "make-over" into apartments, and the street in front was torn up & being replaced with bricks. Peter remembered a place on the other side of town, that he saw from walking on the beach, so we went there to check it out. The owner was happy to have us, and we found out that she is a Christian, and even goes to the same Church we do in a town about 20 min. away!! We knew for sure this was where God wanted us to be. The next blog may be one reason He sent us here! (and we're still open for more)!
We want to share with all our supporters how your prayers are being answered!! This couple you see in Church just asked Christ in their lives last year, shortly before we met them. And THIS year, we witnessed such GROWTH in their Christian lives! They got married in the Church (4 kids later), Paco is the English interpreter at Church, they are ON FIRE for Christ, and are bringing others to Jesus! We invited his family to a cook-out at our new campsite, and he brought 3 other people with him, because they had alot of questions about the Bible & this "Christian life", and he knew Peter had a gift of finding the answers in scripture. After the meal, we passed out Bibles, so everyone could be on the right page, and for a couple of hours shared God's Word. Paco's wife, Mary, took lots of notes, and helped everyone find the scriptures, and read them for themselves. The boy in the pink shirt (Carlos,17 yrs.old)had run away yesterday from home, and had to make a decision about joining a drug cartel, where they offered him alot of $ & a new car. Paco told him he needed to choose Christ, so he had alot of questions, and asked about how can God help him make the right decisions? We explained about how Christ died for him, & if he chose to invite Him into his life, he would also receive God's Holy Spirit, who would guide him, etc. He told us he wanted to follow Jesus, and invited Him in his life right then. The other couple needs prayer as well, as they make new covenants with each other, and lean on God to guide them also.They stayed until dark & we clapped & praised the Lord! I know we can count on your prayers for these dear people.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Yesterday we drove one hour up to Guayabitos, only to find that our campground we have gone to for the past 3 years is closed down to trailers, and they are making small apartments on the lot. Also, the entire south end of town has the main street & even the side streets all dug up, and you can't drive down any of them. On our way to this place, we prayed that God would direct us to a campground if our regular one was shut down. Peter remembered one place at the north end of town that he had seen from the beach as he walked last year, so we went there. The owner, Susanna, was so nice to us and welcomed us - even with our 3 dogs! She told us she was from Calif., and asked about us. When we told her of our work, she got so excited, and asked us if we had two Bibles that she needed to give to her friends. She also told us that she had planned that later in the day, she would go into town & look for two Bibles to buy. Peter went to the truck, & brought her the two Bibles, and once again we rejoiced & said, "only God"!!
We went to a little restaurant that we had gone to in this town two years ago for lunch. I asked about a girl who had worked there, and she pointed Janeth out to us. This is the girl that we had given a Bible to, and she ran around the restaurant showing the cook, and another waitress. She remembered us, and we hugged her as she told us that she is now married & has a baby daughter! We just had to take another pic. together, & promised to return in a few days!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today was our last day to work with my special English class. The kids are holding up new tooth brushes that our Dentist back home gave us to give to the kids. They all wrote "Thank You" notes to the Dentist! These kids down here are so appreciative for anything you do for them. I was also able to speak to them about the love Jesus has for us, and how they can ask Jesus into their lives, and walk with HIM each day. They received a Gideon New Testament in Spanish, and promised to read it! We got lots of hugs & kisses from the kids as we left. There were close to 60 kids for VBS, and this precious Christian couple has them all in the upper room of their home. Please keep them in your prayers.
Just thought you might want to see how close these crazy bus drivers come to vehicles! This one was just inches from our truck & racing down the street. The buses are so banged up, and we just pray that we don't get hit by one of them! Tomorrow we have to drive an hour away to procure a camping spot at our next destination. We were told that many RV Parks are closing, because people are afraid to drive down here with their rigs. We've called the # for the one we've gone to for a few years, & there's no response, so we're on a "hunt" for another safe place.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
We visited a small place in the next town we stay near that cares for about twenty or more handicapped children. They are very crowded in several tiny rooms, but the love of their caregivers, and the smiles on their faces tell quite a story! Our friends, Pete & Teena, have been working very hard to raise thousands of dollars for a new building outside the town, to look like a child's Castle! Someone donated a large piece of land, and the architect is working with all the builders totally FREE! His wife works with the children at the original place until the new one is ready. It will probably take two years to finish all the therapy rooms, and bedrooms to house at least 24 children who will sleep there. Others will be able to receive the therapy and exercise they also need on an out-patient basis. The new name of this place will be "Casa Conner" in honor of their 13 year old grandson who was severely handicapped, and died 2 years ago.
Monday, March 4, 2013
This is a pic. of my "English" class at Casa Infantil. We're having lots of fun, and the kids really want to learn. On the way back to where I walk to another ministry close by, I saw this big brother taking his young brother home in a wheelbarrow. It's fun to walk those 3 blocks, because the kids wave, and some run out to give me a hug or call my name, and it just makes my day! I pray for these precious little ones that they would all come to know Jesus as their Savior!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Guess who came to visit us at the Salvation Army as we were passing out shoes? The President of DIF the Federal department for the protection of children - Magaly; the Vice President - Jose (my friend's nephew);and an administrator - Gustavo(who came to the airport to release the shoes for us)!!!What a treat and welcomed surprise for all of us! We set up 6 full tables of the last of our shoes, and young & old were happy with their gift! They went further, by telling us that they would help us next year to get the shoes into the country by just calling them ahead of time, and have them sent to DIF, where we can pick them up for the children. They were all for anyone who would help the children receive gifts from other countries without paying taxes, and going through a hard time. This was also good news for the Salvation Army, as DIF is willing to help them any way they can when funds are low, so they can continue to give free meals to the children.
THANK YOU for praying with us, and seeing just how God can work with a seemingly impossible situation! We give HIM all the glory!
THANK YOU for praying with us, and seeing just how God can work with a seemingly impossible situation! We give HIM all the glory!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This is the couple we asked you to pray for, as they struggle to keep the work they started at "Casa Infantil" alive and growing in this poor neighborhood of Mojonares. They are having vacation Bible School for the children this week and next. I wish all of you could see how well behaved these children are, and how much this couple love these kids as if they are their own. The day begins as the children pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, the Bible, and the Mexican flag, and then they enjoy a meal together.
This was a really special afternoon, as the gospel was preached, children enjoyed their craft, a snack was served (even this little pig enjoyed his snack), and about 160 pairs of shoes were offered to all who came. Once again we were praising God for His perfect timing with giving us the shoes. Galatians 6:9:"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up."
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