This is Pastor Jesse Ortiz, his wife Jill, and 5 of their 7 children! They are a wonderful family, who ALL love the Lord, and are serving Christ in one way or another! God answered our prayers to lead us to a Church in Villa Corona, and He has done so much more! It seems the three people we have been in contact with for 5 years are also three of the many that Pastor has been involved with as well! Today, we have plans to visit one of our "contacts" together! Please pray for "Sandra", who has had a hard life up to now, and really needs Jesus in her life. Last night, as we were trying to locate Sandra, we visited her brother's wife, Viviana, and she prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior, after Jesse gave her a tract, and explained God's plan of salvation to her. Then today, Jesse rode his bike over to our camper & told Peter that he needed his help. Could he please drive his truck over to a vehicle about a block away & give his friend a jump start. Of course he did, and Jesse kept asking Peter pointed questions, which he translated to his friends. Peter gave his testimony & also told of how God cured me of cancer, and the man just hugged him. Jesse has been witnessing to him for several years. Then Jesse got in the vehicle with this man & his family to go into Guadalajara, to see a Christian Dr. who can possibly help their son with a problem he has!
Just keep up the prayers! The Holy Spirit is moving among these people here in Villa Corona like we have never seen before, and it is DEFINITELY God, as we work together with Jesse, and see one miracle after another! Praise HIM for answered prayer!