Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Peter & I plan to cross the border on Saturday, and would appreciate your prayers for safety and smooth crossing as we drive home to S. C. If there are any more special "happenings" along the way, we will try to post them to our blog later. We just want each of you to know how thankful we are for your support in so many ways. We thank God for the opportunity to come here, and we feel you have been there with us as He has given us many avenues of service for His glory. May God bless you for partnering with us.

Such excitement, as I saw "Wana" & her 11 yr. old daughter come walking down the beach! They are from the state of Chiapas, & come all across Mex. to sell their homemade wares. Last yr., Wana showed me a tract I had given her several years before, and we were so thankful that she had become a Christian! She sat down with me, & we tried to converse as much as possible. It's amazing what God can do with just one little tract or a word about Jesus, or a New Testament. God just wants each of us in His family to be faithful in spreading the good news of Jesus love & provision for all.

There are many ways to make a living at the beach. From selling fresh fish from the evening's catch, to this young boy, named Ivan, doing temporary tatoos & making "name" bracelets. We gave him a NT, and each day we were there, he came by to "chat" with us. Please pray for Ivan that he would read God's Word, and invite Jesus into his heart.

The "twins" working together to help launch a fishermans boat out to sea.

Happy 70th birthday to Peter & his twin, Paul!! We had the pleasure of a visit from Paul for a week, and had 10 of our friends come to help us celebrate. The hats for the guys say "ancient twins", and mine says, "the WIFE of the ancient twin"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This is Alfredo, who we befriended. He claims to have asked Jesus into his heart while in the USA, but his life is in such a turmoil. He needs prayer for counselling, and God's direction in his life. I know he would appreciate your prayers.
Peter & I are now in Rincon Guayabitos, our last stop on the Pacific before going home. The pictures I last posted show how the little kids carry their wares to sell, and these older indigenous (Indian) girls are from the state of Chiapas, where they make their beautiful purses, & much more. They were most anxious to receive a copy of the N.T., & promised to read it!