Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're having trouble with the server for the new area we're in, so we can't publish any pictures. But we left Puerto Vallarta yesterday, and arrived in Rincon Guyabites on the coast. It was nice to be on the ocean again, and we'll be here for a few days. There are many opportunities to give out God's Word. We only have 15 NT's left, so we're praying to give them to those who will READ them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There were several groups of people gathered in a circle & very intently reading & listening to what we had to say. We told them they could have the Bibles they were reading, and to remember that God's Word is His "love letter" to us, and we need to read it in order to know what He wants for us and all the blessings He has for those who trust in Him! Everyone thanked us, and Charlie told us that an older couple that attended, said this was very helpful to them, and they would read more and learn.

Please pray for these dear people, who may have heard the good news of Jesus for the first time!

On Sunday, after more fish for breakfast, our friend, Charlie, called everyone who was there to gather for a little "Church service". He was the interpreter, as Peter spoke. He told them how he had received salvation through the shed blood of Jesus, and at the end, Carole told of how much God loves us & wants to "commune" with us through His Word. Carole had passed out lots of Bibles & NT'S in Spanish for them to read, while the verses were pointed out.

This is where we cooked all day. The constant running river that's filled with fish & river shrimp is in the background, and our tent is behind me. We cooked the fish in oil, some steak strips on a stick under this pan, corn, and, of course, Carole brought bags of marshmellows for all the kids to roast as well!

This is "Dencia", mother of 10 children, who catches river shrimp for us, & is cleaning about 50 fish in the river that the men caught earlier for those who come to our camping spot for the rest of the day! She is a real "champion" in my eyes, and is so willing to help and make us feel welcome!

This is part of the pile we brought! Thanks to all of you who contributed shoes, clothing and Bibles for this journey! Our friend, Sandra, who is bi-lingual, passed out everything, and kept interpreting! We had so much fun & much laughter! But most of all, they were so very thankful! So, I pass this on to all of you who helped!

After breakfast on Sat. morning, of freshly caught fish and corn from the fields, we took the clothes and some of the shoes that had been donated to the "main house" in the village for distribution. They called (literally - not by phone), to the other three houses to join us and the fun began!

This past Fri., we were packed, and ready to follow our friends from PV to a village 2 hours away from their home. Instead of traveling the mountain road, our friend said to follow him through a "shorter" way (it was getting dark), which meant crossing this river! What he DIDN'T tell us is that we had to cross the riverTHREE TIMES!! As we saw his vehicle sliding around in the rocks and current, our hearts were in our throats! Carole closed her eyes & prayed, while Peter plowed through & dared NOT stop till we were on the other side! Praise God, we made it to Agua Jote before nightfall!

This is "Lorena", the woman in charge of reservations at the campground. Last year Carole gave her a NT, and talked to her a long time about Jesus. This year, she reached in her purse & showed us a little "pouch" that she keeps her Bible in & carries it everywhere she goes, and from the looks of it, it is well used! She is definitely a Christian, and says she prays & reads her Bible through every circumstance. What a lesson these dear people can teach us!

Ahhh! A nice quiet game of Tic Tac Toe! See? I did bring other games for them as well! (But those kids LOVED those flutes)!

This is the day we went to the orphanage in PV. Carole brought 20 flutes to give to the kids. You never heard such a racket in all your life! The kids were so thrilled, but the adults in charge quickly gathered them up, because they couldn't take all the noise. One little girl hid her flute up her pants for almost an hour before it was found. We felt bad, because they encourage bringing toys to them, but I guess this was a little too much!

As we were walking downtown, Alajondro was trying to get Peter to go to a time-share presentation. Somewhere in his conversation, he mentioned "God", and A. immediately asked him if he was a Christian! When he said, yes, the conversation immediately changed to him tellingPeter about how a couple of years ago, some man was getting off a bus they were both traveling on, and handed him a Gideon Bible. He said he never spoke to the man or ever saw him again, but he read God's plan of salvation in the back, and gave his heart to Jesus!! It gave us chills, as we felt God confirming that all the Bibles we are giving out will be used for HIS glory!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Today we were helping the children learn "Jesus Loves Me" with bells. They are practicing for a performance at church in a couple of weeks! This cure little girl needed some help! What fun we had! On Wed. we hope to go to the orphanage. We'll keep you posted!

We arrived safely, with no problems with our reservations in Puerto Vallarta! Today we went with friends from an english speaking church, to the Salvation Army to help with the children. This is Captn. Mario, who lives above the classrooms, and has a wonderful heart for Jesus, and the children who live around the city dump.They normally help the children with homework, and give them a meal, and other helps.

We stopped to get Peter's favorite "pollo asado", (grilled chicken), which is so delicious! We gave this young man a N.T., and he was happy to have one.

After spending a week in La Placita, we traveled north to Punta Perula. While there, Carole had a chance to give an Indian family some shoes, and they were so thankful. As we were ready to leave this place, I had been very anxious to get going to our next destination. Peter woke up to tell me that the owners truck was in the way, and found out that he had locked his keys in the truck! So, they spent the next hour making a "slim Jim" and working on the lock. God was teaching me a lesson on depending on HIM and RESTING in His guidance - and NOT to "stew" over what was beyond my control!